Monday, September 26, 2011

Aldi Review: More Choceur Chocolate - Dark Chocolate and Milk Chocolate with Almonds

Wow, it's a great time to be a chocoholic AND a Smart Aldi Shopper! A while back, I reviewed Aldi's Choceur Milk Chocolate bar. I like it a lot, and in the review, I mentioned that Aldi also carries a dark chocolate variety...

Choceur Dark Chocolate

It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to miss Aldi's chocolate display. It's right inside the front door at my store, and more often than not, I'll stop and drop a bar or two into my cart before rolling on.

If you've never experienced dark chocolate before, this would be a good one to start with. You may never go back to basic milk chocolate again. Like their milk chocolate, the Choceur Dark Chocolate is very smooth and creamy with a strong cocoa flavor, but without as much bitterness as you'll often find with most other dark chocolates.

The higher cacao content in dark chocolate usually means a more brittle consistency and more bitter flavor. Many of the newer dark chocolates we're seeing on US store shelves these days range from 60% to 85% cacao (and even higher!). The "Great American Chocolate Bar", the classic HERSHEY'S milk chocolate, is reported to have about 11% cacao content. The cacao content of the Choceur bar is 45%, which gives it a nice balance between the flavor of a dark chocolate, and the creaminess of a milk chocolate. This chocolate is a WINNER!

Another Choceur variety I like is the Milk Chocolate with Almonds, in the golden-yellow wrapper.

Choceur Milk Chocolate with Almonds

What's most impressive about this bar is how FRESH the almonds taste! The chocolate recipe seems to be slightly different than the chocolate in the blue wrapper, maybe a little less sweet, but it harmonizes with the almonds VERY well. It's a well-made chocolate bar by any standard, and with the low price you pay at Aldi, it can't be beat. Like the old candy bar jingle said, "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't..." When I feel like a nut, this is the bar I buy.

Chocolate is one of the things that Aldi does VERY well, and I think your sweet tooth will be happy you picked these up. And of course, your wallet will be quite happy too!

-Jeff the Aldi Shopper


  1. They sound so delicious. I love dark chocolate and I also love almonds in chocolate. yum. Thanks for posting this :-)

  2. Rochelle, they are FABULOUSLY delicious! I'm heading to Aldi in the the morning for more "research"!

  3. I JUST had this last night, but I had NO IDEA where to buy it. It was a gift from a woman who orders stuff from everywhere, and I was afraid that I'd never get to have it again, because she couldn't remember where she'd gotten it. So I googled the name with an image search and there it was, top of the page!!! I'm also not a big fan of dark chocolate...but that may be a thing of the past, because this was the best chocolate bar I have EVER had! And there's an Aldi's about 5 minutes from here!
    Yeah, I'm setting some money aside to get more!

    1. I was in Scotland visiting my sister and we went to an Aldi store food shopping, I came upon the chocolate aisle and after seeing Choceur Rum raisin fruit and nut, I had to try was DELICIOUS...I bought home 12 packs and only have 1 left. I am in love with this chocolate.

  4. HA! Glad you found out where to get it! Another good chocolate bar to try at Aldi is the Choceur Peanuts & Flakes. It's milk chocolate with peanuts (obviously) and CORN FLAKES of all things. It might sound a little strange, but WOW, is it good! Crunchy, salty, chocolatey goodness...

  5. Hey Jeff,
    I see you've reviewed the Choceur line of chocolates. Have you checked out the Moser-Roth line at Aldi? The ALDI love train is back in the station, loaded with delicious cheap wine & high-end (and low-priced) Moser-Roth chocolate this time :) -

  6. You bet I've tried the Moser Roths - love 'em! In fact, I can't think of a single chocolate I've bought from Aldi that I didn't like.

  7. I agree, Jeff. Aldi's has wonderful chocolate. I'll wave the flag, watch a baseball game, drive a Chevy, but am not a big fan of US chocolate. Aldi's chocolate - which I belive is imported - is awesome. Light or dark, it's smooth and creamy and the nuts are the star of the chocolate. The US chocolates seem to make the nuts appear as outsiders. Gimme some hazlenuts or almonds!

    Looks like a trip to Aldi's today... Yummmmmm!

  8. It's because they're made in Europe. I grew up in Belgium and bought them from the Belgian Aldi too. You can't go wrong with the Aldi products made and imported from Europe. Beats American chocolate any day.Try the Fruits of the forest strudel imported from Germany - fresh berries and a flaky pastry crust - cannot be beat!

    1. Ummmm, strudel!

      I've always been happy with ALL the imported stuff - and the best chocolates anywhere (sorry Mr. Hershey)!

  9. Hi, I am trying to find a source for Aldi Choceur Classic Dark Chocolate, my Local branch in Manchester say's that it is discontinued, have also checked by phone withe their customer services and they say the same, although when I posted on Facebook the response I got was that they continue to stock it. Managed to get a small suuply from Scotland on a recent holiday but am now down to my last bar.

  10. I am not really a chocolate fan, I went off Cadbury and Nestle years ago. But I tried some Choceur Dark Hazlenut from Aldi a while ago and I am hooked. Love their rum and raisin too.

  11. I'm not an Aldi shopper, but I go out of my way to buy this Choceur dark chocolate. I've tried all the other expensive brands and this is the best hands down. AND it is about half the price of the expensive brands. I hope they never stop making this brand/variety.

    1. I love it also. Its amazing!!!
      Im a dark chocolate fan. It had a slight hint of raspberry.

  12. I went to my local Aldi yesterday and picked up a bag of Romeo chocolate/coconut bars, similar to a Mounds bar here in the US. I have not bought any Aldi chocolate before, and I would not consider myself a chocoholic or even close. I occasionally crave cheap drugstore chocolate like M& know when I mean, right ladies?...but other than that, I can generally take or leave it. However, being a huge Aldi fan and knowing the chocolate was German, I bought some of these coconut things as well as a bag of Choceur milk chocolate pieces, which are similar to Hershey's nuggets. I have spent a lot of time in Europe and prefer the chocolate over there as a rule. As I expected, the Aldi chocolate was outstanding, and I would go so far as to say the Romeo bars are so much better than Mounds that they aren't even in the same category. My ex husband used to bring me handmade chocolates from a chocolatier in the Village called Varsano's. I liked it, but I may like this more. Typical for Aldi, these are an excellent value, with a texture and taste that are far superior to the cheap chocolate in the US. The use of cocoa butter instead of inferior fats makes an enormous difference. I can't recommend this enough.

  13. Well they are no longer at my local store. Looks like they lost my business on chocolate.


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