Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Aldi Review: Glen Marnoch 24 Year old Single Malt and Glenbridge 40 Year Old Speyside Single Malt Whisky

Glenbridge 40 Year Old Single Malt Scotch

Aldi is attracting all kinds of attention these past couple of days due to the fact that they are offering unheard-of low prices on 2 aged scotch whiskies this holiday season. I can't think of anything they've EVER done that has attracted quite so much attention in the British press.

As you might guess, in order to write this blog and stay on top of things, I actively seek out Aldi information. I get quite a few Aldi-related press releases from around the Aldisphere®, and for the past couple of days, my inbox has been stuffed to overflowing with news coverage of the announcement.

Now, I've tasted a whisky or two in my day, and I'd like to think I have a fairly well educated palate. I've certainly done enough research on the subject to qualify for a post-graduate degree - just ask my bartender! So with these self-bestowed credentials, I think I'm qualified to sip a wee dram in order to render a considered opinion.

So, I've been waiting by the front door all day, certain that the friendly UPS lady would drop off a sample bottle, courtesy of Aldi UK. However, since it's now going on 9pm here on the east coast, I've come to accept the fact that the truck won't be stopping, and I WON'T be able to personally sample either the Glen Marnoch 24 year-old, or the Glenbridge 40 year-old Speyside single malt whisky.

Fortunately, Aldi has made the scotch available to a few UK-based spirits bloggers for review. The guys at the blog, caskstrength.blogspot.com offer up their observations of the aged nectar in a post found here.

Until the UPS truck pulls up to the house with my own CARE package from Aldi UK, I'll just have to take their word for it while I sit here and console myself with a wee bit of fine Kentucky bourbon.

-Jeff the Aldi Shopper

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