Monday, December 12, 2011

Aldi Review: Tuscan Garden Jalapeño Stuffed Queen Olives

I picked up these little treats at Aldi last week - I believe they were a Special Buy. They may or may not still be available at your local store, but I sure hope so! These are one of my new Aldi favorites, and I hope to pick up another jar or two before they're all gone...

Tuscan Garden Jalapeño Stuffed Queen Olives

I first discovered jalapeño stuffed olives at the OTHER local grocery store I shop on their "Olive Bar". They probably have 20 or more different varieties of olives there - all laid out serve-yourself style, just like any typical salad bar. The jalapeño stuffed olives were by far my favorite, but there was just one tiny problem - the olive bar is priced at $8.49 a pound. 

Eight dollars and forty-nine cents a pound!

They're mighty proud of those darn olives aren't they? Don't get me wrong - they were good olives and I enjoyed them a lot, but they're too expensive to buy on a regular basis. 

Well, along comes Aldi with their Tuscan Garden Jalapeño Stuffed Queen Olives. As usual, this product is equally as good as the one I used to buy, and less expensive as well.

I didn't know what a Queen olive was so I looked it up - they're just the larger, meatier Spanish manzanilla olives, typically grown either in Spain or California.

The Tuscan Garden olives from Aldi are plump and firm, and the sliver of jalapeño pepper stuffed inside gives the saltiness of the olive just a little bit of heat, but not too much. You'll feel the heat, but I don't think it's overpowering - your tastebuds might tingle a little, but your mouth won't feel like it's on fire. That is, unless you eat the whole jar in one sitting (don't ask me how I know this). I think the salty brine of the olive along with the heat of the jalapeño make a great flavor combination, and perfect for including on a holiday relish tray or serving alongside other savory appetizers.

I paid $2.99 for the 7 ounce jar, which comes out to about $6.83 per pound - and while not exactly cheap, certainly cheaper-er than the $8.49 they're charging at the other grocery store. I can justify that for a holiday splurge.

A blue cheese-stuffed variety is available as well, but since I'm not really a blue cheese fan, I didn't try those.

I wonder how these would work in a martini - anyone want to give that a try and report back???

-Jeff the Aldi Shopper


  1. Hey Jeff - This isn't a comment related to the olives you reviewed today, but just an overall comment - wasn't sure where to post that! LOL I have just started doing the bulk of my shopping at Aldi and as an Aldi 'newbie' am having to struggle through navigating and comparing Aldi products to my comparables at Costco and other stores that I've been purchasing for years, and trying to determine what products can be replaced by Aldi products to enable that lovely money savings! That's what makes your blog so interesting to me, as I can read your reviews and they are (and will be as you add future reviews) definitely help in making that determination. Keep up the great work and I'll definitely look forward to future posts! Ellen

  2. Thanks Ellen! One of the reasons I started the blog was to help give some guidance to folks who were newcomers to the whole Aldi experience. I'm really glad you're finding the information useful! I'll be making some changes to the blog in the coming weeks that I think will make it even easier to use - feel free to let me know what you think works, or doesn't work. And if you've got any products you particularly like, or maybe something you're not sure about - I'd love to hear about that too!
    Go ahead and post comments anywhere you like - I've got it set up to alert me whenever someone comments, so I'll be able to find it wherever it's posted!

  3. Hi Jeff, PRODUCT ALERT!!!!! My neighbor and another friend told me about Trader Joe's cranberry topped gorganzola cheese spread. So we wondered IF Aldi would have a counter-part....they do! And it is SOLD OUT at most stores around here, I got ONE, as luck would have it. It is delish! I was kind of skeptical, but the gorganzola is combined with cream cheese for a smoother, milder and more spreadable consistancy. It is 'topped', after you unmold it, with cranberries, pears and hazelnuts. It is 2.99 for 6 ounces, so not super cheap, but 2 of those at an appetizer table would be a good addition for little money, considering the cost of most apps. Also winners this week, pineapples and pomegranets(spellcheck please!!!) for 99 cents each. I am finding more goodies each week...and let's not talk about the truffles...I put them on a plate and took them to a neighborhood gathering...and said they were fancy European truffles....of course they knew I would never spring for that...but everyone said they were great and took a second one. They melt in your mouth. A much fatter...Rosie......

  4. I sure will keep tuning in for your updates. And one thing that has already helped me was your post on tuna. We love tuna in our house and currently buy the in-house brand at Costco. It is expensive, but fantastic and in reality, a good value. I was wondering if the Aldi brand would be worth the switch, but in reading your post, saw that I think I'll just stick with my old stand-by and save myself the trouble! Thanks for that! BTW - I have purchased the Millville Sweet and Salty bars - dark chocolate and almond and they are fantastic. They absolutely compare to the Nature Valley, more expensive brand in the stores. And, I read the label (hope I didn't miss it) and the Millville brand didn't even have HFCS in it, where the name brand ones do! Score!

  5. Good to know about the granola bars! I don't typically buy them, but noticed the Sweet & Salty last time I was at the store. I've got a little road trip coming up, so they'll be perfect to try then!

  6. We LOVE the Blue Cheese-stuffed olives. Perfect for festive, holiday Martinis.

  7. Excellent - have one for me! Cheers Granny!

  8. I second the Blue-Cheese stuffed olives! They are very good! Even just to snack on! And the Port Wine cheese in the plastic container is excellent.

    1. If you liked these you will LOVE the garlic stuffed ones (assuming you like garlic). Bought all I could find at Aldi and wish I could find a new source now that Aldi isn't getting them.


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