Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Product Alert: Cranberry Topped Gorgonzola Cheese Spread

I just heard from Rosie, who has been a long-time reader and frequent commenter here - she sounded pretty excited, and I didn't want her comment to get buried, so I thought I'd reprint it here for everyone's benefit...

"Hi Jeff, PRODUCT ALERT!!!!!

My neighbor and another friend told me about Trader Joe's cranberry topped Gorgonzola cheese spread. So we wondered IF Aldi would have a counter-part....they do! And it is SOLD OUT at most stores around here, I got ONE, as luck would have it. It is delish! I was kind of skeptical, but the Gorgonzola is combined with cream cheese for a smoother, milder and more spreadable consistency. It is 'topped', after you unmold it, with cranberries, pears and hazelnuts. It is 2.99 for 6 ounces, so not super cheap, but 2 of those at an appetizer table would be a good addition for little money, considering the cost of most apps.

Also winners this week, pineapples and pomegranates for 99 cents each. I am finding more goodies each week...and let's not talk about the truffles...I put them on a plate and took them to a neighborhood gathering...and said they were fancy European truffles....of course they knew I would never spring for that...but everyone said they were great and took a second one. They melt in your mouth. A much fatter...Rosie......"

HA! - thanks for the heads-up Rosie, and be careful with those truffles!!!

-Jeff the Aldi Shopper


  1. Jeff,

    I am a huge fan of the log of goat cheese topped with cranberries as well as a similar product rolled in wild blueberries. It's a smooth cheese with a wonderful flavor combined with the tartness of the fruit. It's incredibly delicious!

    I'm going to a potluck on the 20th. I might try the "truffle trick"... Sounds like an easy thing to bring... Either that or perhaps cheese with berries. :-)

  2. Yep, I agree, the goat cheese is a winner! You set that stuff out on the table, and BAM! - it's gone in minutes!

  3. Hi Jeff, I cracked up when I saw PRODUCT ALERT! :) (And thanks for the spellcheck, I was being lazy not pulling up the dictionary!) I am really pleased to find these goodies that are SO delicious! Especially this time of year. I saw the goat cheese that Bradford, and you, recommended, and will try that...I have friends coming over this Sat...I will report back! :) And, on a more practical note, I made a huge pot of beef veggie soup for a neighbor for Christmas (give her break from cooking) using all Aldi ingredients and it was a healthy alternative to the prepackaged foods we tend to rely on in a hurry. My last bill was $54 and I figured I saved about $21 compared to a regular store. I did stock up on the truffles and nuts which tend to be expensive, and not normal purchases, but I know I save at least 25 to 30% each time I go. LOVE THAT!!! Have a great Christmas Season! Rosie

  4. Thanks Rosie - same to you!

    (Glad you didn't mind me reprinting your comment - it was too good NOT to share, and I didn't want it to get lost in "comment purgatory"!)

    Let us know how your friends like the goat cheese - don't tell them you got it at Aldi until AFTER it's all gone! I'd love to know what they say...

  5. One of my favorites, is their Raspberry Vinagrette salad dressing, better than any I have bought for more money at the regular stores, and is perfect on their Artisan lettuce, which I buy weekly, for the quality as well as the price, it's always fresh.


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