Monday, June 25, 2012

Aldi Review: SIMMS Beef Jerky

I've been traveling extensively for my "real" job lately, so I've been having to eat on the run quite a bit. I've found myself dashing off to the airport before the crack of dawn (and without a proper breakfast), and often times, I'll be checking in to my hotel long after restaurants in the area have closed for the night.

Now, having to pay 12 bucks for an airport omelet, or going to bed hungry is NOT my idea of a good time. After missing a few meals here and there, and tired of feeling as cranky as an old bear, I finally wised up and started packing a few snacks in my luggage for these emergency situations. One of the most satisfying snacks I've found is beef jerky.

SIMMS Beef Jerky

The SIMMS Beef Jerky at ALDI compares very well to most any of the national brands of jerky you'll find widely available across the country. The biggest complaint I have about jerky in general, and I think everyone can agree, is that it can sometimes be dry and tough to chew. And while it's not the absolute most tender jerky I've ever had, the SIMMS jerky is far from shoe-leather. I'd say it's just about the same as the other major brands, and it is pretty moist. And needless to say, it's quite a bit cheaper than the stuff you'll find at the grocery or convenience store!

Both the Original and Peppered flavors are pretty well balanced spice-wise - not too salty, not too sweet, and not too smokey. As the name suggests, the Peppered flavor adds some cracked black pepper and that gives it a peppery bite that I really like. ALDI also offers a Teriyaki flavor, but since I don't really care for teriyaki-flavored snacks, I didn't give that one a try. If teriyaki is your thing - go for it, and let me know what you think!

SIMMS Beef Jerky Nutrition Facts

-Jeff the Aldi Shopper


  1. Hey Jeff,

    1st, love the blog

    2nd, what was the price of the package



    1. In Kentucky, eating some right now!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey Brian, thanks! I think I paid $2.89 a package here in New Jersey.

  3. Hi Jeff,

    I'm glad you reviewed the Simms Jerky. I really like it and often take it camping. If it's between sardines or beef jerky in the middle of the night while camping in the boonies, the Simms jerky wins out.

    I also like the consistency compared to the other brands. Of all the flavors, my favorite is the teriyaki. Great stuff!

    It's great to see you back, Jeff!

    1. Thanks Brad! If there's a better food than jerky for easy transport and on-the-go eating, I haven't found it. I've started carrying a pouch in my duffel bag all the time now.

      The teriyaki seems to be a big seller where I shop. There's usually less of it in the box than the other flavors, but I just never had a taste for it. Different strokes for different folks, I guess!

      Take care, see ya down the road...

  4. I'm a very big beef Jerky fan and i've actually been working up the nerve to try making my own. Of the Simms' brand , the teriyaki is also my favorite. I thought the origional to be a little bit too peppery and tough, but the teriyaki seemed to be just the ticket. I did not think i was a teriyaki fan, as i've not liked any other brands with the teriyaki name. If you try it you will like it. .

    1. Okay! Thanks for the encouragement, I'll give it a try next time I pick some up. And let me know how the do-it-yourself jerky goes - I've been wanting to try that too!

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  6. This stuff is the cure for what ails the common flight delay/cancellation.

  7. I've never taken it on a trip...but I love it, just cause I love it. Driving down the road chawing on jerky! Nice


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