Friday, August 12, 2011

Tough times Create Smart Aldi Shoppers!

I've been noticing something over the past few weeks.

  • The Aldi stores where I shop (I have TWO Aldis within a five mile radius of home!) have been much more crowded lately - it's almost impossible to avoid the crowds! Used to be, you could go on a Tuesday or Thursday mid-day and have the whole store practically to yourself - but not anymore.
  • There many more upscale and luxury car brands in the parking lot. Sure, I'd notice the occasional Cadillac or Lexus now and then, but now I'm seeing multiple Mercedes-Benz, Land Rovers, Porsches and the like on every shopping trip.
  • People are bringing their reusable shopping bags from other grocery retailers. I'm doing this myself - I've mentioned that before - but I'm just seeing soooo many more of them. These folks may have been shopping at Whole Foods a few weeks ago, but they're shopping at Aldi now! 
And just today as I was chatting with the cashier, she mentioned that last week was that store's highest grossing week EVER!

There's no doubt people are really tightening their belts out here - things are rough economically and bound to stay that way for a while. It looks like larger numbers of people are starting to wise up and become Smart Aldi Shoppers!

-Jeff the Aldi Shopper


  1. Yep! They have also built more stores in what you would call upper middle class areas (less Trader Joes and more Aldis). Times have changed I like how you keep it real on your blog!

  2. Thanks!

    This holiday season has been a madhouse at my Aldi - seems like EVERYONE is catching on!


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