Thursday, October 13, 2011

Aldi Review: Benton's Fudge Mint Cookies -or- I love the Girl Scouts as much as the next guy, but I've GOT to have some cookies - NOW!

Like the title says, I like the Girl Scouts, I really do - I've been the brother of a Girl Scout, the uncle of Girl Scouts, and once my daughter is old enough to join up, I'll be the proud father of a Girl Scout.

And of course, when I think of the Girl Scouts. I think of cookies. Ah, the COOKIES! You know 'em, you love 'em, you can't live without 'em - Girl Scout Cookies! I buy box after box every year, especially Thin Mints. I've even got the Girl Scout Cookie Finder App on my iPhone.

I Love Girl Scout Cookies - yes, I do...

Unfortunately for me, according to the official Girl Scout Cookie website, I won't be able to buy GS Cookies in my region for another 98 days, 5 hours, 54 minutes and 23 seconds.

Fortunately, I can get a pretty darn good substitute right now at Aldi - Benton's Fudge Mint Cookies.

Benton's Fudge Mint Cookies

Are they exactly the same as the GS Thin Mints? Well, no, not exactly. But they're close, and they're very good. They're shaped slightly differently, and just a tad smaller in diameter than the Thin Mints - but the flavor is pretty near dead-on perfect, so I'm a happy guy. If you like Thin Mints, I'll bet you'll like the Benton's Fudge Mint Cookies too.

Betcha' can't eat just one...

And oh, did I mention they're priced at only $1.49 for a 10 ounce package? THAT seals the deal! I hope I can find room in the freezer to stockpile enough of these to last the next 98 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 44 seconds until those little darlings come knocking at my door...

-Jeff the Aldi Shopper


  1. I hope they have these at my store when I go because NOW I'm ready to ditch the halloween candy and get THESE!

  2. I've got ONLY two packages left in the freezer - I was hoping my stockpile would last until Christmas, but that just ain't gonna happen.


    Hope you can find them near you!!!


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